It has many benefits such as thinning of the waist, strengthening of bones, reduction in arthritis, thigh and calf pain, etc. Will discuss this topic further. For now, know how to learn Paschimottasana in 90 seconds-
Do you know that you can learn to do Paschimottasana in just 90 seconds and can also practice it in another 90 seconds? Yes, doing Paschimottasana is not only easy but it also does not take much time to learn. But let us tell you that before doing any yoga posture, be patient. Know the method of doing it well, only then do any asana. However, Paschimottasana has got a special place in the yoga world. It has many benefits such as thinning of the waist, strengthening of bones, reduction in arthritis, thigh and calf pain, etc. Will discuss this topic further. For now, know how to learn Paschimottasana in 90 seconds-
Method of Paschimottasana:
Under this posture, first of all, holding the toes of the feet, one has to touch the nose with the knees. Try to do only this much in the first days. After this, there are many different layers in this asana. For example, holding the thumb, bend it so that the elbows touch the ground. In this position, your nose should go slightly below the knee. Some people catch the claws by intertwining the fingers of both hands. Some people move their hands beyond the toes to make the legs and upper body almost parallel.
Some people are not able to do it according to the method, that is, they are not able to put their nose in the knee easily, so they are not able to do it easily. Yet if you can’t do that, don’t worry. Instead, lean as far as you can. Keep your body comfortable. Then stay in this state for as long as you can. By practicing, you will become an expert in this asana too. But yes, if you are not able to do it for a long time, then you can take the help of a Yogacharya.
And if you are a fitness freak and want to learn more about yoga poses, then you can join a Weight Loss Retreat.
Always do this asana on an empty stomach. You can drink tea if you want. But if you have eaten enough food, then avoid doing this asana. One of the specialties of yoga is that it should always be done with patience. Similarly, while doing Paschimottasana, keep in mind that never do this posture with a jerk. Make money very easily. Slowly bow down. Lean up to 60 percent first and then bend down to 20 percent. If you can bend completely in one go, then there is no harm in it either, but always keep the pace slow. Do this asana for 30 seconds. If you feel comfortable while doing this asana, then you can stay for some more time. Bhujangasana or Shalabhasana is usually done after this asana.
Benefits of Paschimottanasana:
As already mentioned, doing Paschimottasana makes the waist thinner and stronger. By doing this asana, the mind remains happy and the aura of the face increases. And there is good blood flow in the body. Blood circulation is also better in the muscles of the throat, stomach, and legs. Apart from this, by regularizing this asana, stomach worms die and hunger occurs, which are signs of good health. By doing this asana, the breath becomes very short, which gives you longevity.